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Discover the 3-Step System Helping Women Over 40
to Finally Enjoy Abundant Energy
& Drop Several Dress Sizes...

Without Fad Diets or Exercise, Even if They've Only Had Temporary Success in the Past

In this masterclass, we will cover:

A common mistake that women over 40 make when they try to release stubborn weight & regain their energy - that often sabotages their results (and what to do instead)

Why any woman who wants to feel and look better should avoid the “eat less & exercise more” bandwagon! Discover the smarter, sustainable way to slim down & get energized

The surprising reason why women over 40 have a hard time burning their fat for energy…and how to avoid it

Reserve Your Spot Now


Presented by Alesha Maury,
Naturopathic Doctor &
Women's Wellness Consultant

Alesha Maury, ND is the founder of Equipped for Health, and creator of the Equipped for Energy Wellness Reset. She specializes in helping women over 40 to restore their energy & optimal weight, balance their hormones and mood, and to get restful sleep, so that they can pursue their passions, excel at work, and enjoy their relationships. 

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